About Us
Do you remember the first time you saw Old Glory? For many of us, it was at a parade or a baseball game. Maybe your parents or grandparents flew it in their backyard. The Freedom Field Project is dedicated to ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to experience and appreciate our flag. This national memorial and education center will be located in Wapakoneta, OH, and will teach about the history and symbolism of our flag. The Freedom Field Project is also committed to making this facility available for field trips at no cost and providing scholarships for educational purposes. Learn more about us and help us celebrate the US flag today!

What Is the Freedom Field Project?
The Freedom Field Project is a proposed 30-acre national educational park and entertainment facility dedicated to the flag of the United States of America. “Old Glory”, the universal symbol for freedoms and liberties, has been silent for too long.
The Flags of Freedom Foundation set several goals in its planning of Freedom Field; to advance the education and understanding of the history of our flag and the freedoms it represents, to make the Freedom Field Project available for elementary and secondary school field trips at no cost, and to provide educational scholarships. As a historical and educational facility, Freedom Field Project will teach and inspire future generations about what our flag has come to represent since its inception over two centuries ago.
Our Goals
Our purpose is to cultivate, in the largest possible number of our citizens, an appreciation of both the responsibilities and the benefits which come to them because they are Americans, and are free.
We aim to institute a long-range commitment to education about preserving and promoting the great ideals embodied in the flags of the U.S.A. and to make the Freedom Field Project available as a resource for this purpose.
We want to encourage an open dialogue with audiences, in addition to creating lasting partnerships with local schools, universities, cultural organizations, social service organizations, and more.
Additionally, through exhibitions and programming, Freedom Field Project will serve as a forum for information and debate on major issues facing the national community; environmental protection, cross-cultural understanding, and cultural preservation. The facility will instill a feeling of repatriation to basic moral and ethical views as they relate to the causes of migration of people to the United States of America over the past several hundred years.
Freedom Field Project will be a historical bastion of truth regarding United States history while at peace and in times of war.
These goals will require the museum to evaluate its programs, exhibits, and management structures to establish new paradigms, allowing it to enrich the learning experiences presented by the museum. The museum will achieve a balance between its social and fiscal responsibilities.

Where Is the Freedom Field Located?
The Freedom Field will be built north of the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum along Interstate-75, the American Legion National Highway, in Wapakoneta, OH.
Along I-75 is the established attraction – the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum – which yearly brings visitors from all over the world. The location is accessible to 67% of the nation’s population within a day’s drive. The area is close to two airports, and three hospitals, and the I-75 corridor gives ready access to Dayton, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, and other points both north and south. U.S. 33 allows easy access from Columbus, Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne, Chicago, and other east/west points.
What Benefits Does the Freedom Field Project Offer?
The Flags of Freedom Foundation set several goals in its planning of Freedom Field; to advance the education and understanding of the history of our flag and the freedoms it represents, to make the Freedom Field Project available for elementary and secondary school field trips at no cost, and to provide educational scholarships.
The parade grounds will be available for all manner of activities, including patriotic celebrations, band, drum and bugle corps competitions, patriotic pageants, and the like. Other areas of the Freedom Field Project will be ideal for other functions including July 4th celebrations, memorial ceremonies for veterans and Memorial Day, and student and senior citizen programs, to name just a few. There will be economic benefits, not only from the influx of tourist dollars but also from the creation of jobs directly connected with the Freedom Field Project, with other indirect employment created for area businesses as a result of higher visitor volume.
Where Is the Support for This Project Coming From?
Support for this project is coming from individuals, organizations, companies, and corporations who have made their livings as a result of the free enterprise system; one of the principles which is represented by the flag we seek to honor. No tax dollars are being solicited by the Project.